How are we?
I know I know, I was doing so well for the first week then life took over!
I had taken pictures to share with you..... I just forgot blogging them bit.
It always seems that when I am wearing an outfit I really like I don't seem to take pictures.
Anyway last Saturday I took my niece Macey to the 'Forensics: the anatomy of crime’ exhibition at the Welcome Collection. She is only 12 but she wants to be a forensic scientist specializing in DNA. When I was 12 I didn't have a clue! She is one cool Chick!!!
The exibiton looks at the history, science and art
of forensics from crime scene to courtroom. Exploring the specialisms of those involved in
the processes of collecting, analysing and presenting evidence. Macey was very impressed... I was kinda grossed out. I mean there was one pic where you listened to an autopsy being performed and there were all the squelching noises!!! EWW!
I needed a comfy outfit for the day as I knew it would involve a lot of walking, so I grabbed my DM's, jeans and I was all set. I am not normally a big fan of light coloured jeans, but my sister Brie gave me these and I thought I would give them ago. What do you think? I'm still not 100% sure.
The army print shirt is super old, I actually can't remember when I got it. I hadn't worn it in ages but now I have discovered it again I am wearing it all the time. Don't you love it when that happenes.
Anyway that's it from me, be back soon.
Have a great day.
Ciao for now
Love Mrs Berto xx
I really like the tough edge and attitude in this outfit, the jeans look cute! I also think that army shirt would look great worn over dresses and with skirts! x