Hi guys,
How the heck are ya?
If you follow me on instagram you know the last few months have been... well a bit MAD!
We finally sold our house and completed on our new house in April which seemed to feel like an eternity!!!
Packing up the house was one of the most stressful experiences I've ever had. Due to delays I had already returned to work and although I'd done quite a bit before, we didn't actually know what what happening so the remaining stuff was a bit last minute.com!
Not to mention looking after Squidge and struggling with the joys of morning sickness which is more like morning, noon and night nausea.
This pregnancy seems a lot more intense. I'm not sleeping and I get quite dizzy. Can you believe I'm 15 weeks already!!!!
So where are we now? Well we are living with my Aunt while the house is renovated. How amazing is she for allowing us to to move in with a teething 14 months old. It's not too bad but I will be happy once we are settled in the new house.
I plan to do a whole blog series on the renovation and I can't wait to show you guys. Here is a sneaky peeky before picture.
Be back soon.
Ciao for now.
Love Mrs Berto x
I plan to do a whole blog series on the renovation and I can't wait to show you guys. Here is a sneaky peeky before picture.
Be back soon.
Ciao for now.
Love Mrs Berto x
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